After the awesomeness I experienced this past weekend, today, I want to encourage you to continue to prepare. WHY? I will tell you in this not so long post and I want to encourage you to read till the end. So, let’s do this week’s motivation for Monday on Moj In Touch.
You see a lot of times in life, opportunity meets preparation. The people whom opportunities don’t catch up with are the ones who do not prepare. So, I say again, continue preparing…..
In the online world, there is so much noise and I have shared that with you numerous times and I also encourage you to FOCUS on you and what you do and truly this is HOW you can get the results you desire…..
Last weekend, I spoke (ministered) in Dundalk….although now, I can say that I have done many speaking engagements, this one was so special and unique to me. The bodies who organised the conference came up with a concept called Business, Beauty and Fashion (BBF) for their conference and then they started looking for someone whose profile matched their theme. They told me they looked and search around, they reached out to someone even in the UK and they looked every where. All of a sudden, a Sister (not my sister now but I have adopted her) told them, “I know of someone whose profile matches”……. They checked my profile and boom, it was a match. They reached out, they booked me and yes, I was there all through the weekend to speak………
Here’s my message to you today:
1, Never Stop Preparing
I say never stop to prepare because opportunity only meets or finds those who are prepared. A lot of times, it is always too late to go and prepare when opportunity comes.
The progress in getting what you desire may be slow BUT it will never tarry. It will come, so keep preparing. You see, when opportunity starts coming, in most cases, it looks like what have I done to deserve this? A lot of times, the people who work on themselves or invest in themselves forget the amount of work they have done when they start seeing results because they do the work NOT to get instant but delayed gratification. So, continue preparing. In case you were wondering, the preparation I have done so far for a time like this include:
1, Writing those motivational blogs and videos and then the book.
2, Positioning myself like someone who could motivate because I realised I have the GIFT of encouragement; check HERE for my Motivation Speaking profile and for bookings.
3, I showed up everyday;
4, I do these things because I truly want to help people through content creation;
5, I do not get tired even if it looks like not a million people view or read them;
I say again, continue preparing, every investment you make in yourself is a preparation to receive a special reward.
2, Title Doesn’t Count:
I love what Shonda Rhimes says in one of her promo for her Masterclasses. She said, there is nothing like upcoming……..allow me stop there.
If you see yourself as upcoming, you are limiting yourself. If you know how to speak, speak. If you know how to encourage, encourage (this is one of my strengths and I bank on it); if you know how to write (this is another area I am gifted at and I bank on it); if you know how to sing, sing; if you know how to cook, just cook and so on and on…….
A lot of times, we limit ourselves by thinking we are not good enough. You are good enough. Keep doing what you know how to do and continue to do them. This is HOW to get better. The more you do something be it cooking, cleaning, writing, speaking or anything you know how to do, the BETTER you become at it.
Stop calling yourself upcoming or looking for big titles, start doing what you know how to do. The more you do it, the better you will be…..I say again, stop limiting yourself.
3, There is Room for Everyone:
This one of the reasons-WHY a lot of people pack up on what they know how to do. They think there is so much competition; they think nobody will notice them; and they sometimes think the people whom they consider established are the ones who gets noticed. No, this is not the case because there is ROOM for everyone.
See the sky, the birds fly in it and they never cause traffic jam. So is our gifts or skills and what we do, there is enough room for everyone. What belongs to you is for you. No traffic jam will cause it from getting to you. There is room for you here on earth to do great things. The only one who can stop you is YOU.
4, Don’t Give Up + Ask For Help
One of the most frustrating things is not getting the results we desire but like I said above, the more you do, the more results you will get……
This is where I like to say, seek help. If you think you are doing something and are not getting any results at all, ask people who knows or people who have being on the journey you are at.
If you don’t know anything, look for counsel. Seek help. As people who knows what you don’t know. As perfect as my life looks to a lot of people, especially online, I do not know it all. I am on a journey too and I am learning everyday……and this is WHY, I like teaching people what I know. If you need to ask me anything, ASK ME, I answer or respond to everyone to the best of my knowledge……….
The only thing I am cautious of is that I choose my counsel wisely. Choose yours wisely too.
5, Commit it all to God:
This one is one of the simplest things to do BUT a lot of us still find it hard. I encourage you to give it all to God. Surrender it all to Him. He can rescue, heal and make alive. Those things that look difficult can be easy with him. So, commit it all to Him, He will help and guide you.
I leave you with this words from Heb 7:25 that He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them. How Awesome! Now, commit it all to God………………
My prayer for you today is that as you continue to prepare, favour, good success and opportunities will find you in Jesus name. Amen.
Some Images from Last Weekend
At the conference we had about 150 youths and about 30 adults (male and female) who listened and I feel honoured to have been invited.
I want to thank you so much for stopping by, for reading, for letting me be your cheerleader and for going on this amazing journey with me. I want to thank God for his love and gift upon my life. My best buddy, “honey bum” and husband, Efe Obazuaye for giving me room to do things I truly am passionate about. My children, Daniel and Samuel who calls me like 50 million times every time I am away. Dr Ireti for believing in me and for referring me and for Pastor Micheal and Damilola Ogobamidele for inviting and hosting us and finally a special thanks to the K:12 KY for making me feel very youthful this past weekend….it was fun, I had a blast.
Have an amazing week of preparation for greatness.
Much Love, Mojisola
Wow, it looks awesome, the conference. I am confident you will do more Moj.
You work so hard.
Thanks for the inspiration always, you have truly changed my life and thoughts.
Thanks for reading Sam.
It looks amazing – thanks for sharing this with us!
Thanks for reading Sarah.
Refreshing and Inspiring….
Thanks Moj.
Much Love
Thank you Chi for reading.
Great job Mojisola! Well done my friend!
Thank you Linda.