Oprah said in one of her Conferment speeches that I listed to that, “one thing I have realized having been on this platform for 20 years is that we are all looking for the same thing – to fulfil, the truest and highest of our calling. Well, I may have better shoes sometimes, but I have realized that we are all looking for the same thing.” …….
In that Oprah Quote is a big life lesson. Please do learn from it……
You see whether you make cakes, or you fix cars or build houses or like me, you help people experience transformation in their personal or professional lives, while the platform/avenue/channel we use may differ, we are all looking for the same thing – to fulfil our truest and highest calling – if you like to be successful OR make real impact in this world.
So, my question to you today is what Truest and Highest Calling will you fulfil? You see, there is no point been here on earth and not spending time in finding that calling and then working on it to fulfil it.
If you haven’t found your own calling, here are a few things to consider:
# What is it you are good at, naturally? Your God Given Talent? You can check out my book, “Use What You Have” for guide here.
# What is it that people compliment you about? It could be, MJ, you dress so nicely. That is just an example.
# What is it that the still small voice within you is telling you to create, launch or start?
# If all the above doesn’t seem to answer the question, will you consider speaking with a professional who would ask you tailored questions to help you discover what that calling of yours may be. If you need help with this, you can email: info@mojisolaobazuaye.com.
See, until we understand that to fulfil that truest and highest calling, we MUST understand what that calling is first. So, I ask, what is that calling for you? It is worth thinking about today.
I want to wish you the very best for the week. And please don’t just live, be intentional about fulfilling that truest, and highest of your calling. I will do the same and so help me God.
Please check this resources out What is My Purpose & Why On Earth Am I Here and How to Discover & Use What You Have