The past few weeks was quite busy for me but I wouldn’t change anything because it was all good. You all know I shared with you that my last wish on my old Vision Board was for my Mum to visit. Yep. this dream has now come true. Glory to God. Me, my husband and children spent quality time with Mum, we got the chance to take care of her, celebrated her birthday and enjoyed her company generally. Mum has now returned to Lagos-Nigeria and all is well with her. I must say I miss her and I am a little bit cranky that she is no more here with us. Don’t even dare call me Mummy’s girl 🙂 Sincerely, I just love seeing her in the morning before heading to work and seeing her when I return in the evening. I can’t wait for her to return again soon. Enough about me for now. So, if you are believing God for anything, don’t worry, it may seem delayed BUT TRUST me, it will eventually come to pass. Have you considered putting your wish on your Vision Board? Vision Boards are powerful and they work if you follow through and do your own part……
Check HERE for How to Make Your Very Own Effective Vision Board & The Advantages of the Vision Board
Just a quick motivation for this brand new week to encourage you to follow your own path. You see, we are in an age where everything about how successful we are is based on how many followers we have on our social media accounts. People tend to see people who have many followers as successful or more influential. However, as a social media user and marketer myself, I can confidently tell you that not all those who have many following are fulfilled, successful or influential. This may be the case because many of them do not even know how to maximise the audience or following they have and it could also be some other factors or reasons. Having said that, it is okay to use social media but for the right reasons, if not you may feel discouraged, left out and if care is not taken, you could fall into depression thinking all what you see online is as it is. No, it isn’t. People generally put the filtered part of their lives online or the best bit they want you to see. So, don’t let social media feel like you are not good enough because YOU ARE. You are good enough for the race God has designed for you.
You see, God has designed a path for all of us in life. For some, social media is part of how they will fulfill their purpose in life and to some of us, we may not need social media as much. Whatever you do in life, to be able to run the race God has designed for you, you must follow your own path. Don’t look at what other people are doing, don’t look at what is on trend and don’t look at what your friends and family are doing BUT look within and listen to the still small voice inside of you and do as it says, this is how you can truly run your own race and eventually become fulfilled.
I like the way Oprah Winfrey puts on her final show after 25 years. She says and I quote, “Your path is unique to you. Yours may be on TV, yours may be in your workplace and yours may just be the small community you find yourself. Whatever you do, run your race on the path you have been given and give it the best run you can and this is how you can feel fulfilled and accomplish your WHY on earth”. Let me let you know, God has a plan and purpose for you here on earth. Your job is to find that path/purpose and run your race to the fullest on that very path He has designed for you.
Allow me finish today with this: it may seem difficult to recognise the path God has created for you but if you go back to Him and listen to His voice and then move in the direction of his leading, you will be surprised that things will begin to fall in place for you. Trust me, if you would do that FIRST, every other thing(s) would be provided for you by the one (GOD) who created your life’s path for you like helpers who would help you run that race, money to run the race, and every other thing you may need on your journey and so much more…..So, find your path with the help of God and keep running. Don’t forget, if you ever need help in any area of life, do ask for help from people who can help you. The ones who are willing to help you are the helpers God has sent to you, so ask and you will receive, so, you can run that race to the finish line that would bring you to your expected end. Your expected end could be anything you want it to be. What is yours? Answer this question today and start running your race on your own path. All the very best as your run on your path…..
I want to thank you so much for stopping by and for reading today. Have a FAB week and wishing you lots of Love and Light.
I was wearing
H&M Jeggings | Zara Coat | M&S Hat | Primark Socks | Zara Purse | United Colours of Benetton Shirt.
More on the look and Styling TIPS on Season’s Trends can be found HERE
New Video on YouTube ::: Life Update – Career, Landing Dream Job + Life Changing TIPS to Get What You Want
Very helpful as always.
Thanks Moj…….
And Congrats for all the juice on the video and thanks for the TIPS too.
More Grace…
I was waiting for this like every week. It’s amazing like always and you look stunning with short hair.