I stood right there by my seat jumping up and down. I was smiling as if my mind was being said. I couldn’t help it no more but to say Oh My God!. It was as if my mind was split opened by a surgeon and EVERYTHING I had in there was being played on a wide screen. It then made sense when my own child said, “mum, everything we learnt in church today, you said already in one of your videos and a lot of it in your book, did you know that?” I turned around to him, smiled again and said, I know baby. Today, I will be talking to you about WHY you should trust your journey.
Simply means for what REASON or PURPOSE.
IF someone asked me 10 years ago what I wanted to be 10 years from now, I wouldn’t know BUT if someone asked me what I want to be 10 years from now even if they woke me up from a deep sleep, I would jump up and spill it like it’s hot. First, I am grateful for clarity. Secondly, I am committed to working on becoming those things till I become them. And so help me God.
Today, I ask you What is your Reason or Purpose?
Although I have asked those questions before severally on this blog and on so many motivation for Monday and my motivation videos BUT, I ask again, what is your why.
That same question I asked on this article “WHY I Would Never be a Nurse“, I also asked in this blog, WHY on Earth Am I Here?
I repeat, What is Your WHY? Do your know it?
See until we know our WHY’s in life, we could be:
1, Running around like headless chicken
2, Doing the things we are not supposed to be doing or working on / at
3, Wasting time
4, Getting frustrated or fed up
5, Settling for less than God’s will or plan for us
6, And then GIVING UP.
First step to arrive on a journey is to know the REASON-WHY you are heading there and KNOWING THE WAY is next. This is what I mean: I am heading to the airport because:
1, I am flying to Nigeria to see my mother. (This is my reason-WHY)
2, I have to drive on N7 and then on M50 to get to the airport (This is knowing my way)
If I do not know those 2 things on any journey be it a life journey to career choices or a life journey to choosing a partner in life or business or a life journey to setting business goals, it is like heading out on a journey and setting in the wrong direction.
Second step is to trust your journey. Iman, one of the most successful model of our time and now a successful entrepreneur. Who would have thought Iman would be a make up (beauty) Entrepreneur instead of a Fashion entrepreneur? If you hear the name Iman, you relate it quickly to make up. Am I wrong?
Although she didn’t start out as a make up entrepreneur, she is a successful one now. She says and I quote, “I know I wouldn’t be modelling forever but the journey to where I am started from when I started modelling, TRUST YOUR JOURNEY”.
I want to remind you today that your journey in life is different from mine. Mine is definitely different from yours BUT I say trust your journey. For me personally, God broke me and took me on this journey of discovery before I could begin to do (write or speak) things like these. But I am grateful. Like I said, I now know exactly where I want to be in 10 years time please God.
I encourage you again to know your WHY and TRUST YOUR JOURNEY. If you are not sure, have you prayed about it?
I watched a video of a preacher who said he decided to move around while people were praying and he asked some of the people praying what they were praying about and a lot of them use the word “Hmm”, and they then said they don’t know what they were praying for and that they were just praying. Listen, don’t just pray, KNOW WHAT YOU ARE PRAYING ABOUT. It is when we do or know specifics that we can go to the Father with boldness.
Allow me share this story with you: Mark chapter 10 talks about a blind man who came to Jesus. Jesus asked the man, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind man replied without hesitation, “I want to see!”
The blind man knew what he wanted, he knew Jesus was able to do it, and he dared to ask for big things. When Jesus replied, He didn’t say, “Hmmm, let me see if you’ve been good enough to deserve this healing.” He didn’t say, “What have you done for me lately?” he just went ahead to heal the man – the blind bartimaeus
God is not looking to see if you deserve His blessings. He’s looking at your faith in Him. The truth is none of us deserve God’s goodness. But we have to realise that His goodness is not based on who we are; His goodness is based on who He is…..
In the sermon I was at Yesterday, the Preacher said, Jesus’s destiny was to come, die and rescue us. We all know this I assume. Just like Jesus, we all have a destiny, a purpose, a Why, God’s Will for us. Let us find it and let us fulfill that purpose. It is a waste to be here and not do why we have being sent here.
Finally, you may not know where you are going now BUT the more you move, the more your way becomes clearer. Whatever you do, keep moving.
My prayer for you today is that God will give you the grace and the understanding to know his Will for you. Amen.
I want to thank you so much for stopping by today and for reading. I am always happy to see you here. Most importantly, I am so glad to be your cheer leader. If you need to talk, please contact me to book a CLARITY CALL
Whatever you do, trust your journey, it is unique to you
I Love You, Mojisola
Want more out of life? Propel your life forward, find, live and fulfill your purpose and maximise the potential of your gifts? My Self Help Amazon Bestselling book, “Use What You Have” would help you do so. Get yours HERE (US) & HERE (UK)
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Thank you Moj. This is amazing, Wow!
God bless you.
Hope you had a nice Easter break by the way.
Thank you for reading Sam.
This is eye opening Moj.
Thank you for reading Chi.