I am writing as I travel on the train this morning and I couldn’t help but to reflect on exactly what I was doing this time last year. This time last year, I was on a flight to England and to keep me busy, I was writing the second draft of my first book, Use What You Have. Use What You Have is a book I wrote on HOW to discover your gifts (purpose), how to own them, embrace them and HOW to fulfill your purpose in life by using your GIFTS.
Although I go to England often, on that particular occasion, I went to England to be with one of my best friends who was having her first baby. In the next few days, I will be back to be with the same friend to join her in the celebration of the birthday of this child that was born this time last year……
How Time Flies is the question that comes to mind when I think of when that baby was born and now he is turning one. On today’s motivation for Monday, I write to encourage you on WHY you must not delay in pursuing your heart desires and WHY you must not waste time at all.
See, never in a thousand years would I have thought that I would write a book, not to talk of the book being an Amazon best selling book. Never! I am grateful though that I have now embraced the journey of God’s purpose for my life and I am walking in it. That journey is one of the reasons WHY I write these motivation for Mondays. And because of the decision not to be distracted and focus on my own life’s journey, personally, I have experienced amazing breakthroughs and have the boldness to do GREATER things with the help of God.
First, I will encourage you to embrace your “purpose journey” in totality. It will lead you to GREATNESS.
In life, time is one of the most important things. It is more important than money and it is more important than wealth. If you have ever lost your wallet with money inside, you may understand that it is hard or painful to loose money. However, you may have made more money back. Although I have never lost my wallet, I know how hard or annoying it can be to loose money.
If you loose money be it with your wallet or in business, you can make money back BUT if you loose TIME, you can never get the time back. Never! Once your time is gone, it is gone and that is WHY it is important not to waste time.
Whatever it is you desire in life, don’t delay, don’t procrastinate and don’t wait, do those things like there is no tomorrow….
Let me tell you, doubt and unbelief are two of the reasons WHY a lot of us waste time and delay on our heart desires. I know these very much because I have being there. when I was going to start writing Use What You Have, even though God gave me a go ahead. In my mind, I kept doubting and questions and thoughts like the below kept coming to my mind…….
1, What authority do you have to write a book?
2, Nobody knows you. Even if you write a book, nobody will read it
3, It is a waste of time. Do you even know how to go about it;
4, Drop it. Don’t even dare;
5, An many stupid thoughts from hell like that…….
Despite all that thought, I did it anyway. I did. I consulted people who have being on the journey I was embarking on and I asked questions that I wasn’t sure about. I also invested money on coaching…..this made a lot of difference. What if I told you that now, I am helping 2 people work on their books at the moment and I believe I will do more paid ones by God’s grace.
So, what is it that you desire so much in your heart? What is stopping you? Listen, you must brace yourself, silent every negative thoughts that may come to your mind and do it with all you’ve got. Give it your all. Give it all your attention. Give it all your time. Give it all your energy. Ask questions if you need to BUT whatever you do, don’t let go of it. Don’t give up on it and don’t waste time. Like I said above, you can make more money BUT you can never get time back. OR have you ever heard of someone who made so much money and then went ahead to BUY TIME? It is not possible.
In the book, Use What You Have, I shared more on how to maximize your time and some goal setting TIPS, feel free to get yours. If you are in the US & Canada, get yours HERE. If you are in the UK, get yours HERE. If you are anywhere in the world, get yours in your home country Amazon. Just look for Use What You Have by Mojisola Obazuaye.
Finally, I want to encourage you. If there is anything you want to do, do those things like there is no tomorrow. Focus on the goal at hand till you achieve it. You will be surprised at what you can do. When YOU obey God’s desires and plans for you, the people whom God has prepared to benefit from your obedience will find you.
How would you like it when you publish that book for example and people leave you testimonials that are life changing; When people say to you that because I read your book, I discovered my GIFTS and started living in my purpose, how will you feel? Or how would you feel if after you finish that course, your get that job you have always wanted OR how would you feel that after taking that professional exam, your company decides to promote you instead of hiring a new person? Think about the end result and go out there to do GREAT things. Don’t be afraid and don’t waste time. Be brave like a lion, go for it.
My prayer for you is that God will give you the wisdom to use your time wisely. Wishing you God’s speed IJN, amen.
Read Other Helpful Motivational Blogs
Purposeful Isolation
This Journey called Purpose
Trust Your Journey
Why I Can Never be a Nurse
Details of this look can be found HERE
I want to thank you so much for stopping by today, for reading and for letting me be your share leader. Don’t forget, we can all make money back if we loose some and we can all make more money if we do not have enough BUT we can never make time back. Don’t waste it, use it well and to do GREAT things.
Much Love, Mojisola
Thanks for the motivation as always. This is very inspirational.
Have a good week.
Thank you so much Sam.
Great thoughts for a Monday!
Thank you so much Sarah.
This is great Moj
Thanks for always putting yourself out there by sharing your ups, downs and your thoughts truly.
You are blessed indeed.
Thanks a lot. This opened my eyes to see the possibility in doing Great things.
Thanks Chi. You are so kind.
Ummmh! Very thought provoking. Once you lose time, you can never get it back. So right! I just pray for God to give me insights. Doubt and unbelief is really the major problem. Overcoming this turns to success. Thanks Moji! You are really an encourager.
I am so encouraged!
Thank you for the feedback, made me smile.
God bless.