True leadership is leading by example I believe. If as leaders, we are out there inspiring others to do better and be better, it is important that we ourselves are not left behind in doing better so as to be better than who we are today……
I give my all in making those inspiring and motivation videos and while I do so, I never forget to apply all of those tips I share to my life too so I am not only dishing out but taking in as well, if you know what I mean. And because I believe I could do so much more than I am doing now, I set a challenge for myself this week to make a video a day. Of course I know this wasn’t going to be easy, still I did it….
Before, I share the videos with you which I would appreciate if you watched, I want to also encourage you dear Blogger or Vlogger to keep working on your craft. Sincerely, it is daunting starting out and can be frustrating if you do not seem to get any results (views, subscription, monetization etc). I totally understand and I feel your pain and frustration BUT I tell you, it will get better. It will!
I would say, don’t look for short cuts, don’t give up if you need help and no one is responding to you and finally, keep at it. Again, I say, it will get better. (SEE RESULTS OF THIS CHALLENGE BELOW & HOW YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT TOO)……
Back to the Challenge……I have shared my little secret of filming all my videos for the month in a day and then edit as I go along the way. For this challenge, this was exactly what I did. I filmed all the videos in a day. I decided that I wanted them to be 2 minutes long each and yes, I did it. Here’s a line up of my 2 minute one video a day challenge.
I do not only hope you watch, I truly hope you are inspired by them.
Video 1: You Deserve a Reward!
In this video, I encouraged YOU to reward yourself for all the hard work you put in to achieve your set goals. Trust me, I practice what I preach. Please watch.
Video 2: Woman, Here’s a Word For You
As a wife and working mum myself, I truly know how tasking it is for us to joggle everything. I am not perfect, I have made mistakes and from my experience, I shared this 2-minute for you dear woman. Please Watch.
This video was the most viewed video in this Challenge. Thanks for viewing my friends.
Video 3: The Pros & Cons of Social Media
In this video, I shared true secret a lot of people may not know about social media. Please watch…
Video 4: You Want to Start a Business? Here’s my Advice to You
I had the honour of being interview by Entrepreneur Breed and from the long version video of about 10minutes I made with them, I cut this bit out on “what advice would I give to prospective Entrepreneurs. Please watch, it is 2 minutes long too…..
Video 5: What is it with Time?
This one, I culled from one of my long version videos. In this video, I focused on what time is and why it is important to use it wisely.
And that brings me to the end of my “one video a day challenge”. I had fun doing this video series. I am proud of myself for going through on this challenge and I want to encourage you to go on and set a challenge for yourself, follow through and you will be glad you did. Your own challenge does not have to be making video, let it be something that would take you out of your comfort zone, one that would push you….Go on, do it….
The lesson I also learnt here is that we do not have to be perfect to do the things we are truly passionate about; we get better at doing them. My editing skills went up to 99.9% after this challenge. I was cutting like a PRO. I am so grateful for the initiative to do the challenge.
Finally, I want to say a massive thank you to all my YouTube family for watching and interacting by leaving me your kind comments and feedbacks every night that I uploaded the video. You guys are awesome. Thanks to you guys on the blog for watching as well.
Immediate Results From the Challenge!
Narrative of Immediate Results:
Views: 10K+
New Subscribers: 71
Old Videos: Started Ranking Higher because new viewers wanted to more…
Comments: Very inspiring. They found videos helpful
Bonus: Sold 8 Copies of Use What You Have. No newsletter, no canvassing…..
Other Benefits: more views more likely + I made new friends + checked them out...
Real Life Lessons To Learn + You can Achieve it too
1, Share what you know.
It does not have to be perfect. People are looking for that information you have. Share good stuff though. A “stupid video” may go viral but the sharer will not last a long time….#noshortcuts #noquickfixes
2, Share it to the people who are looking for it
I learnt that no one person I know left me any comments. They may have watched but I wouldn’t know if they don’t let me in the comments. Share to your community…I don’t like using that word tribe a lot of times.
3, Let your content make sense. Give yourself the chance to think first before creating.
Is it going to add value?
Is it going to change someone’s life?
Is it going to increase your person + a bonus of monetary gain if you sell anything?
4, Make water available for the dry season
So my old videos started ranking high..see images for a comment on my very old video…
What you simply can do is make videos. Give your new visitor something else to watch when they stumble upon your channel…..
….YouTube credits you for this. They send viewers to your page. #TriedandTestedmethod
5, You do not have to have Millions of Subscribers to MAXIMISE you page / videos/ Blog
I will stop here for now….If you need help with maximising your Vlog & Blog, please check HERE
Please let me know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget, set yourself a challenge and follow through with it my friends. You would come out stronger, better, bolder and more confident to do bigger and better things. This is exactly how I feel right now. Good luck Guys!
I will be at the Google HQ on the 9th September. Come say Hi. I had a meet and greet last year and it was great. Let’s do it again. See you there.
Wow, this is amazing Moj. Amazing is the only thing I can think of …..
Thanks for checking it out Chi and for leaving your own comment here on the blog. A lot of our friends left theirs on Facebook and Instagram 🙂
Have a fab weekend.
Thanks Moj for all the videos. I watched on your YouTube. Not sure what challenge I would do but I would love to do one.
Will keep you updated.
Thanks a lot.