Dear MJ,
Can you share TIPS for the plus size woman. I find all your STYLING TIPS very helpful, thank you for sharing them. I would love for you to do one specifically for the plus size woman.
Dear Sender & All Plus Size Women
Firstly, for being a woman, congratulations and secondly you are beautiful and special irrespective of your size, shape, colour, ethnicity, religion or race.
Back in the day, the plus size women were it especially in the African context. The crazy trend of being thin or looking a certain way I would blame on the society, media in general and especially social media. The image that is expected of the women of this generation is unrealistic and such social pressure must be ignored by all means.
No woman should have to worry about how they look because the society expects them to look a certain way. My advise to you is to know you are your best you. No one can be you or can be like you. You have been made in Gods image and to him, you are perfect.
There is nothing wrong in been a curvy woman, the only thing that is wrong is if/when you SPEAK YOURSELF DOWN. When you speak yourself down, you loose confidence. And when you are not confident, you can’t “rule” the world.
My STYLE Advise to you ::: Dear “PLUS SIZE WOMAN”
1, determine your body type, learn how here…. Plus size can be any of the body shapes. i.e (Pear, Apple, Hourglass, Ruler).
2, be conscious of dressing “curvalicious” and not frumpy(avoid bulky clothes) e.g Bua bau(the nigerian agbada for ladies), Stripes that go from side to side etc.
3, buy / wear clothes that will make you look trim/elongate your frame. The ones that make eyes go up & down and NOT side to side. Strategically work with prints, shapes and details.
Create optical illusion with your clothes. For example, large prints will make you look smaller while small prints will make you look bigger.
Let’s see what I mean on the gorgeous Triena
Triena is wearing a form fitting dress yet she looks curvy and fab. The print of her dress is bigger which makes her frame smaller.
The attention is on her print and not her curvy body….#opticalillusion
4, Don’t wear dainty necklace, they will emphasise your large proportions.
5, Wear proper BRA. They eliminate unevenness in your silhouette. Learn how to measure your BRA size is here……
6, It you are petite, wear heels. Choose the ones at your comfort level. They could be the kitten heels, high heels or stiletto heels. Most plus size women struggle with heels but if you choose the right pair, you should be fine.
7, Be confident. Embrace your body. It is your body any way. If you are dealing with body confidence, read my article on HOW to deal with body insecurities
8, If you are not happy about the way you look, work on achieving the weight or size you desire. Yo yo diets are not the best. Healthy lifestyle and exercise is way to go.
9, Most importantly, always remember you are BEAUTIFUL !
Thank you so much for stopping by today and for reading. Hope you found the post helpful.
Do have a fantastic day today
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Awesome tips as always. Thank you for sharing. X
Thank you so much Sam.
Very helpful TIPS. The lady looks amazing and I like the optical illusion.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much Chi Chi
Loving the tips here. Thanks for sharing hun x
Thank you for reading Stella. Cheers.
Fabulous tips! I agree, as women we should never let society dictate how we look. We can look good at any size. Thanks for sharing these tips. How you have a great weekend!
xo, jackie