Looking, Listening, Reflecting or Thinking (in a good way), Standing Still and listening more are good qualities every one should learn to have. Those qualities give you a clear insight to what you are not sure about and a lot of times, they give you solution to what may be a problem.
No wonder, Maya Angelou says, “It is in the stillness of your heart that you hear the voice of God”. What that simply means is that when we rush, rush and rush through life, we get too busy to hear anything, even if it is the voice of God.
Today on Motivation for Monday, I want to encourage you on what I call, “When You Know Your Stuff”.
I came up with this title: “When You know your stuff” following the “life-lesson” I learnt from looking and listening into a Career move of someone very dear to me. They thought it was time for a change and so they applied and interviewed for a new position in a competitors company to where they work at the moment. They were offered the role. Now, they had to inform the current employer…
When they met with the person they report directly to (their boss), they said they didn’t realise it was going to be a shocker to “them”(the bosses). They said, in less than 5 minutes after informing their boss, everyone (“the bosses”) started “running around”. They (the bosses) went from one meeting to the other and more meetings and eventually they called to meet with them.
In the meeting, they said, they(the bosses) told him that, “you are one of our best and your skills and experience is one we can’t afford to lose to a rival company. Not only do you know your stuff, your “people power” is one we can’t afford to lose; (I know exactly what they meant by that). we are willing to offer you the chance to negotiate what you want. So, please stay”. The negotiations continued and they went back and forth and on and on till an agreement was met……
Okay, that was a long tale BUT I needed to share it so I could pass this message across really good. From what I shared above, you should be able to tell that the person involved knows their stuff and their current employer couldn’t afford to lose them…
Another quick lesson. In life, the people power makes a good leader. If you are in leadership BUT can’t bring or carry people along, you are as bad as a failure.
[bctt tweet=”When You Know Your Stuff, You Know Your Worth.”]
You see, this person had to go into serious “knock-them dead” negotiations with their current employer so they could get paid what they are worth. Their employer practically begged them to stay. Not only that, they were offered what they asked of their employer.
Listen, whether you are in business or in a job, you must be sure to know your stuff. When you know you stuff, you know your worth. You know what you should be earning or getting paid. You know that at any time, you can give your bosses a run for their money, if you are in a job.
If you are in business, you know you should be charging your worth and not just anything you are offered.
When you know your stuff, you EARN MORE; more “respect”, more money, your opinion matters and your potential to rise to the top would be unlimited. I encourage today to invest in yourself and know your stuff.
There’s a Catch!
You know I told you that this person is quiet close to me. I know for sure, they have paid the price to know their stuff. Trust me, they have.
For you to be able to charge what you are worth OR for you to ask your employer what you want to earn OR for you to be in a position where your employer would be begging you not to leave; you must pay or have paid the price.
Paying the price is making sacrifices and investing in yourself. Such sacrifice could include; taking evening classes to get a certification; doing additional professional exams; buying a new course for a price you can’t necessarily afford; self-study; ignoring socialising for a while; isolating yourself for a purpose; waking up early and sleeping late; making the sacrifice so many other people would never make. All of these things are not necessarily easy to do but if you can do them, they pay off big time….
See, knowing your stuff, whether in a job or business positions you in a place where
you would not be “cheated” or exploited.
you know your worth and charge what you are worth.
you stand the chance of being begged to stay
you are confident to state your terms / call the shots
you earn more
The possibility of what comes with knowing your stuff is endless. Do all you can to be the best version of you in your job or career. Let me finish with this, on the day we had the launch of Use What You Have (my book), my BIL, Charles Obazuaye was one of the Keynote speakers and here’s what he said, “you don’t get fired at the top.” What he meant is when you know your stuff, you call the shots…. 🙂
[bctt tweet= “You don’t get FIRED at the top; When you know your stuff, you call the shots!”]
I want to thank you so much for stopping by and for reading.
Don’t forget, the more you know, the better you stand the chance of calling your own shots. Continue to invest in yourself and continue to be the best version of yourself and through you God will be glorified.
Much Love, Mojisola
I wrote this post to honour and celebrate my husband. Well done, Efe. Super proud of you
Thank you for inspiring me always.
I say it often, but I always love your Monday posts!
Thank you Sarah
This is phenomenal.
Thank you Moj for sharing it. You are always generous in your thoughts and teaching. Thanks a gain
Thank you Sam.
I love the message here. I am forever investing in myself in one way or the other. Added value is never a waste. Great post Moji x
No, adding value to self is never a waste.
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